Li Yuchen - Project Portfolio



CAFS Introduction

Va CLI calender-like task scheduler that supports task and class schedule adding. It is simple to use, and comes with a save function to remember your tasks. The user interacts with the application using a CLI. The project is mainly written in Java.

Summary of contributions

Code contribution

You can view my code contribution for this project: RepoSense Dashboard

Enhancements implemented

Contributions to documentations:

Contributions to the DG

Contributions to team-based tasks:

Review/Mentoring contributions:

Contributions beyond the project team:

Contributions to the User Guide (Extracts)


List all tasks

List Category

List tasks belong to a specific category

List Time And/Or Date

List tasks by specific date/time

List Category & Time And/Or Date

List tasks by category and date and time.

Delete a task

Delete a task from the list

Delete Category

Delete tasks belong to a specific category

Delete Time And/Or Date

Delete tasks by specific date/time

Delete Category & Time And/Or Date

List tasks by category and date and time.

Contributions to the Developer Guide (Extract)

3.5. Delete by task index (Proposed)

3.5.1 Proposed Implementation

The delete by task index mechanism is facilitated by ListCommand which extends Command.

Given below is an example usage scenario and how the mechanism behaves at each step.

Step1: The user adds a task: add n/2113 c/DEADLINE d/2020-03-30 t/11:59 to add a task.

Since the user adds a new category DEADLINE, the categoryMap will add one more key whose value is the category and the value is the index for this task.

Step2: The users adds a task: add n/3145 c/CLASS to add a class.

Since the user adds a new category CLASS, the categoryMap wil add one more key whose value is the category and the value is the index for this task.

Step3: Users list the class he just added by category CLASS: list c/CLASS. The TaskList will

return the index of the tasks based on the categoryMap. Then the task in the CLASS category

will be displayed.

This is the Sequence Diagram for deleting by the task index.

Sequence Diagram for View

About Me - Li Yuchen

Educational experience