Ricardo Sanchez-Macias - Project Portfolio



Calendar Application For Students (CAFS) is a calendar application used to track the daily events in a student’s life. The user interacts with the application using a CLI. It is written in Java.

Summary of Contributions

Contribution to User Guide:


Contribution to the Developer Guide:

2.4. Storage Component

The Storage component consists of a single class that parses Task instances to Json strings using an external library, Gson by Google.
This component,

Below is a class diagram showing the interactions of this component with other classes.


3.4. Storage

3.4.1 Proposed Implementation

The Storage mechanism is facilitated through the Gson library implemented by Google. Tasks are loaded from the Main class and saved from the done, edit, add, and delete commands.

The interaction is similar for all the commands. Below is a sequence diagram showing the interactions between classes when a task is added to the list: Storage_Sequence_Diagram

  1. The user inputs the add command. After being parsed, the command is executed.
  2. The add command adds a Task instance to the taskList.
  3. After successful addition of the task, the add command calls the Storage#overwriteFile() to overwrite all the current tasks from the taskList to the external data.txt file.

3.4.2 Design Considerations

  1. Aspect: Saving tasks
    • Alternative 1:(current choice) Overwrite all tasks in the taskList to the data.txt file when a task is edited, added, done, or deleted.
      • Pros: Less code and easier to maintain and implement
      • Cons: Redoing work that has been done before, thus wasting resources
    • Alternative 2: Save only the specific tasks that is being edited, added, done, or deleted.
      • Pros: Saves resources since it only changes one task
      • Cons: Difficult and tedious to implement since Json strings are being kept in a text file. For example, it would be hard to know which specific class was edited or deleted from the text file.
  2. Aspect: How to save tasks
    • Alternative 1:(current choice) Save tasks individually as Json strings in the text file. Json strings are separated by new lines in the file. When loading tasks, check whether they are instances of TaskNonClass or Class.
      • Pros: Avoid overflow of a single Java String since we can have many tasks in the list at a given time
      • Cons: Tedious to keep track of in the external text file
    • Alternative 2: Save the whole taskList as a Json string in the external text file.
      • Pros: Easy to implement both overwriting and loadings tasks from the text file.
      • Cons: May overflow a Java String faster if there are many tasks in the list at a given time.